Hello! We wanted to dedicate this space so that you can fully enjoy your stay in our El Edén Casas Rurales ****, that is why we have created an interactive map thanks to Google Maps technology, where we have marked the points of greatest interest in Montánchez, as well as the different hiking trails in the area.


To do this, you just have to click on the following button and you will be able to interact with the different points...


By the way, we have added a bit of information in each point so that you can know its history!

As it could not be otherwise, Extremadura is a land full of little corners and spaces full of history and film locations, which is why cities such as Cáceres, Trujillo and others have been chosen as settings for great series such as Game of Thrones, La Cathedral of the Sea, The House of the Dragon, etc...


Well, here we present the places that, under our recommendation, you should not miss visiting. Do not forget your camera, because you will live and visit places that will be worth remembering, remember to take as many photos as you want and you can tag us on social networks with @casaruraleledendemontanchez... we would love to be able to share those moments that are so important to you!


In order to visit each place, we have enabled a button that will give access to the official tourist office of the same, for this, you will only have to click on the "Visit" button of the same and you will be redirected to it.


We hope you like our selection! Enjoy guys!

Que visitar en Cáceres


Cáceres, city of 3 cultures, World Heritage Site since 1986, and Third Monumental Complex in Europe since 1968, just 30 minutes from El Edén Casas Rurales****.

Along with the obligatory visit to the Monumental City of Cáceres and its many palaces, churches, monuments, and places of interest, you should not miss the opportunity to visit the Helga de Alvear Museum of Contemporary Art, awarded numerous prizes for both its architecture and for its immense collection of works of art, one of the most important in the world, as well as the Museum of Cáceres with interesting collections of Archaeology, Ethnography and Fine Arts.

You can visit the large green areas such as the Parque del Príncipe and Parque del Rodeo, as well as the viewpoint and Virgen de la Montaña Sanctuary with spectacular views of the city.

Another point to highlight is the gastronomy of Cáceres, with innumerable restaurants throughout the city and especially the modern center that surrounds the Paseo de Cánovas, and the surroundings of the main square and the Monumental Quarter, where the renowned Atrio Restaurant is located, With 3 Michelin stars, an essential place for lovers of haute cuisine.

Do not forget to visit Cáceres during major events and festivities such as Holy Week in Cacereña, of international tourist interest, the WOMAD festival, an international festival held every year in Cáceres, which includes international popular music, ethnic music, crafts and other recreational activities, as well as the Medieval Market of the Three Cultures, being one of the leading cultural and leisure events in the region.

Que visitar en Trujillo


Trujillo, a town of great historical importance and the cradle of conquerors and discoverers, such as Francisco Pizarro and Francisco de Orellana, all of whom were natives of this Extremaduran town. It is located 40 minutes from El Edén Casas Rurales****.

Trujillo is full of monumental heritage, going from being a Roman town to becoming an important city in the Middle Ages, to stand out even more after the discovery of America, its long history has left us spectacular palaces, palatial houses, churches, and places impressive where we highlight the Plaza Mayor of Trujillo where stands the bronze statue in honor of the conquests of Francisco Pizarro, the churches of San Francisco, Santa Clara and San Martín built between the 14th and 16th centuries, all around the square, symbolic place where the Trujillanos celebrate their festivals and celebrations such as the Chíviri, a festival of great interest and famous worldwide.

You cannot forget to visit its great castle located in the highest part of the old town, as well as its walls, palaces and other points of interest.

In Trujillo, one of the most important cheese fairs is held, where you can taste the wide variety of native and international cheeses, where great Extremaduran cheeses are awarded year after year. Shall we find out why?

If you feel like enjoying its gastronomy, visit any restaurant in the area, around the Plaza Mayor in Trujillo you can find a wide variety of restaurants where you can enjoy great dishes of regional cuisine from Extremadura and many other culinary offerings.

Que visitar en Mérida


Mérida, or Emerita Augusta as it was called when it was founded in 25 B.C. Colonia Lulia Augusta Emérita by the legacy Publio Carisio and order of the emperor Octavio Augusto for the emeritus soldiers of the Roman army, declared a World Heritage Site since 1993 and located just 30 minutes from El Edén Casas Rurales**** .

A city of Roman origin that maintains its archaeological remains in very good condition, where the Roman circus, the Diana temple, and the impressive Roman Theater stand out, worthy of admiration for its beauty and state of conservation.

The Roman Theater of Mérida is currently the stage for great performances such as STONE & MUSIC, as well as theatrical performances, such as the Mérida classical theater festival, concerts, etc.

We also highlight the Roman Bridge over the Guadiana River, Roman Bridge over the Albarregas River, aqueducts, Tempo de Diana, Arco de Trajo, Casa del Mitreo, Casa del Amphitheatre, Roman Forum..., don't forget your camera!

Another essential place to visit and enjoy is the National Museum of Roman Art in Mérida, the work of the renowned architect Rafael Moneo.

It is a research and dissemination center of Roman culture, where an immense collection of Roman works of art and crafts is exposed to the public, especially its impressive mosaics.

Another of the great attractions is the great hotel offer that the city offers, with numerous places to enjoy its gastronomy, with its typical dishes that will make your visit more enjoyable and you will be able to learn a little more about the culture of the people of Emeritus.

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Mi nombre es Eva, recepcionista de J&J Elegant Rural Homes, El Edén Casas Rurales de Montánchez**, En qué puedo ayudarte?